Unfortunately, our answering machine has decided to stop working on us! We apologize if anyone has called us over the weekend and couldn't leave a message. We are in the…
We are in the process of improving the clinic to serve you better! The office will be closed from August 31st to September 15th for renovations! We will resume our…
The time is quickly approaching for our second annual Apollonia Dental Summer Bash! This year is even bigger and better than last year! Here’s what we have going on: FREE…
Ask almost anyone at Apollonia Dental Clinic what one of our favourite things is and they’ll probably mention...FOOD! Potlucks are seemingly endless here and if we’re not talking about food…
Happy Spring! Hope everyone is enjoying the warmer weather and *cross fingers* no snow! Please note that we have changed our hours for the months of April to June: Monday:…
Can you believe we’re already a couple months into 2019?! The last few months have just zoomed by! We’ve been a little MIA from this blog but we’ve been busy…
Have you ever wondered what your dentist likes to do over the summer? I mean, who doesn't, am I right?! Our team at Apollonia Dental Clinic love Edmonton summers! With…
It's officially Summer Time!! Yay!! Please be advised that over the summer our clinic hours will change starting July 3, 2018: Monday 10am-6pm Tuesday 9am-4pm Wednesday 9am-4pm Thursday 9am-4pm Friday…
Okay, I see that look you’re giving me. “Nope, it’s not happening. Spare me your lecture! I cannot, will not, and never will floss!” No problem! While we do recommend…
So now that you’ve mastered your brushing technique, it’s time we take a deep look into the dark side...flossing. While brushing is the best way to remove the bacteria that…